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Dettling (Family) Community

The last few days I have been corresponding with Andrea Dettling from Gaertringen, Germany about the connections between Detling and Dettling families. My second great-grandfather, born in Dettensee, Germany in 1805, is most likely related to many family members who live in Germany.  Most likely, Dettlings who emigrated to the United States from Russia in the early 1800s are also related, though the exact connections in Germany are not documented as far as I know.  Also to be linked are Dettlings who came from Dettingen/Dettlingen/Dettensee in Germany and settled just a few miles across the border in France.  Their descendents who emigrated to the United States ended up settling in Ohio.  Therefore it is most likely that all Detlings or Dettlings in the US originally came from the same area in Germany.  Our surname is not common.  Here are a few links:

The Dettling Community web site:

Emigrants to Russia – then to the USA:

Posted in Detling Family History, Genealogy Web Sites.

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