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Rootsweb Update 4/7/2018

The following was posted on Rootsweb, which is the hosting site for several mailing lists administered by by the administrator of this site:

“Lists are now available to use, meaning you can now send and receive email on RootsWeb email lists just like you used to in the past. In addition to making the site more secure, we’ve upgraded our backend system to provide an easier-to-use interface to manage your email list subscriptions.

To get started managing your subscriptions, go to Setting Up My New Mailman Login. …

Any email that is sent will go directly into a new archive. We are in the process of importing the old archives into the new archives and due to the massive amount of content, that process will take time. We will continue to update you on the progress when we can.

Thank you for your patience as we continue to bring these features back online.”

Posted in Bradt/Brott Family, Bunker Family History, Detling Family History, Genealogy Web Sites, Roblee Researchers.

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