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Searchable Family Data

Presenting family history data on the Internet does not always have to be based on complex HTML formatted pages.

Recently, genealogists have been experimenting with different ways to deliver data on the web, and I’m no exception. Based on a recent article in Richard Eastman’s genealogy news, I decided to try a new program called The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding, written by Darrin Lythgoe 2001-2004 . The program permits the genealogist to export the data (using an old-fashioned GEDCOM file), then import the data and convert it to a data base (in this case a MySQL data base on my web site, which is Linux-based). Information is delivered to the web site visitor by PHP scripts.

If you’d like to see how it works, please visit my site:

You can also visit Darrin’s site at:

Posted in Genealogy Web Sites, Older Posts.

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