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Roblee Family Reunion July 11-23 in Innisfail, Alberta, Canada

Three years have passed and it is time for another Roblee Family Reunion, which will be held in Innisfail, Alberta, Canada at the home of Bob and Becki Robblee. Plan your vacation in Alberta and join us for the reunion July 11-13, 2008. Alberta has much to offer and is a fabulous vacation destination. Check out the website

On Friday night, there will be a barbecue with burgers and a corn roast. Saturday we will have a continental breakfast and easy lunch. Bob and Becki will cook Alberta prime rib for all to enjoy around 5 p.m. Sunday morning will end with a pancake breakfast. If you wish to come early and stay later, that would be great.

The charge for this reunion is $25 per family.

This year’s reunion will feature the first Family Memorabilia Auction. Please bring items to the auction that include memorabilia from the past (your past or another members’ past) and/or handicrafts and recipes, which you have made, to donate to all the action, oops, auction. This event will be held on Saturday evening.

We are extremely fortunate to have a Children’s Activities Coordinator who is busy planning exciting events for the kids which will take place on the Saturday, as well.

If you have an RV or are tenting, there is space for you right on site. Nearby are several very “rustic” cabins, available for $30 a night. There are several motels in the nearby towns of Innisfail and Olds.

Please bring lawn chairs with you if it’s convenient, and don’t forget family photos and other family memories to share.

Please RSVP by June 15, 2008. We need to know how many of you will be coming and the ages of any children who will be attending with you.

RSVP: phone: 403-227-2912 or by e-mail to:

Posted in Older Posts, Roblee Researchers.

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